Oh my darling,


How can I begin to tell you how much I love you?  You have changed my life from tedium to ecstasy; elevated my spirit beyond the angels; brought me more pleasure than I ever imagined could exist under Heaven . . .


Just to look at you is a greater joy than any I have ever known before!  Gazing into your smiling eyes makes me melt inside . . . holding you in my arms warms my coldest depths . . . kissing your eager lips sets my head spinning out of control!


What is your most endearing feature?  One might as well ask which star shines brightest in the clear desert sky . . . Beauty you have in abundance . . . and that intangible quality that makes you the most desirable and physically exciting woman on earth.  I never cease to marvel at your warm heart and caring nature, and that endearing cheerful patience you have with my mortal failings.  Experience has made you strong and wise without a trace of bitterness or pessimism.  You charm everyone you meet, yet I'm never jealous because I know how unfailingly honest and faithful you are!


In short, I love everything about you, my sweet love . . . now and forever . . . with all the depth of my heart and soul and body . . . completely, willingly, ecstatically . . . without fear, or reservation, or hesitation.  I am yours, as I know you are mine, and I look forward to a lifetime of joy and passion beyond my wildest hopes!


Love, kisses and more ;-)


Your faithful

